Chinese Coinage Literature

First of all I recommend to read Basic References on Chinese Cash written by Scott Semans.
Here is the selected bibliography of Vietnamese Numismatics by Francois Thierry.

Below is a collected list of literature about Chinese coinage. Some of the books have a short annotation supplied by collectors of Chinese coins or from Numismatic bibliographies.
Links after the annotations refer to authors of these annotations (with price in $US if for sale) or persons who told me about that book.
All references in Chinese Coinage WWW Site pages are listed following the table.
These references are in no particular order. Corrections, additions and annotations would be appreciated.

#AuthorsTitle PublicationAnnotation
1Chester L.Krause
Clifford Mishler
Colin R.Bruce II, Editor
Standard Catalog of World Coins, Krause Publications XXth Century
    31st edition, "2004 SCWC", July 2003
    30th edition, "2003 SCWC", June 2002
    29th edition, "2002 SCWC", May 2001
    28th edition, "2001 SCWC", May 2000
XIXth Century
    3rd edition, September 2001
    2nd edition, September 1998
XVIIIth Century
    3rd edition, November 2002
    2nd edition, November 1997
XVIIth Century
    2nd edition, January 2000

2Wylie A. Coins of China Journal of China Branch of Royal Asiatic Society, about 1898
3Le Baron S. de Chaudoir Recueil de Monnaies de la Chine, Du Japon, de la Coree, d`Annam, et de Java St.Petersbourg, 1842, in French & Russian
4Fr.Schjoth The Currency of the Far East London-Oslo, 1929
5J.Neumann Beschreibung der bekanntesten Kupfermunzen Leipzig, 1965, (reprint of 1863 edition, Praga), in German
Chinesische Münzen Klinkhardt & Biermann, Braunschweig, Western Germany, 1965
von Inrem Ursprung bis 1912, in German
Taisei Hong Kong Mail Bid Sale Catalogue 1, 04.05.90

9Albert Galloway Illustrated coin dating guide for the eastern world Iola, Wisc.: Krause Publications, 1984 GW
11George A. Fisher Jr. Fisher's Ding
12James H. Stewart Lockhart The Stewart Lockhart Collection of Chinese Copper
13Werner Burger Ch'ing Cash until 1735 Taipai: Mei Ya Publications, 1976 WB
14Jorgensen, Holger Old Coins of China, a Guide to their Identification
15White A Comprehensive Finding List of Chinese Cash 618AD-1912AD
16Robert Tye Wang Mang
17F.M. Rose Chopmarks
18Coole, Arthur Brandon Coins in China's history 3rd ed. Mission, Kansas, 1963 AC
19Cresswell, O.D. Chinese cash London: Spink, 1970 CR
20Coole, Arthur Brandon Coins in China's history 3rd ed. Mission, Kansas, 1963 AC
21Mowery, Thomas One cash coins of China's Manchu Dynasty, 1644-1911 1st ed. St.Paul, 1972 TM
22Stuart, H.N. Catalogue of the Coins & Amulets of China, Japan, Korea & Annam Batavia, Java, 1904 ST
23Colin R.Bruce II Unusual World Coins. A Standard Catalog of World Coins. Krause Publications, Inc., Iola, Wisconsin, USA. Third edition BR
24F.Schjoth Chinese currency (Currency of the Far East). Revised and edited by Virgil Hancock 1965, Krause Publications, Inc., Iola, Wisconsin, USA
25Schön, Günter World Coin Catalogue of twentieth century 1978, Barrie & Jenkins, Communica, England
26Kann, E. Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins (Gold, Silver, Nickel and Aluminium Hongkong, 1954
27Hsu, T.K Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins
28Yeoman, R.S. Catalog of Modern World Coins 1850-1964, May 1984
29Newman, E.F.S. Ancient Chinese coins The China Journal of Science & Arts, v. 1, no. 4, July 1923
30Petrie, A.E.H. An illustrated guide to Chinese cash pieces of the Manchu mints, A.D. 1662-1796. Ottawa: Collectors Research Monograph, 1964.
31Ramsden, H.A. Modern Chinese copper coins. Numismatist, 1962.
32Smith, Bruce W. Knife and spade coins: the city-state coinage of ancient China Numismatist, v. 100, no. 11, November 1987
33Tracy Woodward, A.M. The minted ten-cash coins of China. Rev. ed. Oakland, California: M.R. Fried, 1971 (originally published 1936)
Standard Catalog of World Coins, 17th Century 1601-1700 Krause Publications KM-XVII
A monetary history of China 1965 in Chinese, 1994 translation by Kaplan PN
36Hermann Staack
Chinesische Lochmьnzen 1988, in German HS
37Stephen Tai A Legendary Currency in Late Ching Dynasty - A Study on Yunnan Pai-Fang-Ding (Saddle Money) Taiwan, 1997
38Richard Von Glahn
Fountain of Fortune: Money and Monetary Policy in China, 1000-1700
Univ of California Pr., 12/1/1996

KM You'll find over 2200 pages jam packed with precise details and current pricing valuations in up to four grades of condition in this internationally acclaimed world coin collector's "bible". Helps you select the best values when buying, selling or trading coins from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe and anyplace in between. Contains complete U.S. coins section. Strong on visual identification, this catalog presents over 52,000 illustrations of the world's circulating coinage from 1801 to the earliest releases of 1994. makes identification of diverse world coin issues easy with a variety of helpful user aids such as the popular instant identifier, country index, grading chart and maps.

S Standard reference on Chinese Cash. Also includes Annamese, Japanese and Korean Cash and charms as well. Well illustrated with informative text. Includes the standard numbering system used by most American collectors of Chinese cash. If you collect cash, you need have this book. This is a bound and covered copy not the stapled pages without covers as sold by some dealers.
Joel Anderson ($27.50)

GW Clear, easy-to-use conversion information for more than a score of major Eastern systems and eras, including Chinese, Tibetan, Mohammedan, Buddhist, Ethiopian, Jewish and Korean makes this volume a favorite among collectors and scholars alike. Charts and illustrations detailing the systems and variations of more than 70 countries help you identify a coin, convert its date int o Western numerals and translate its Western equivalent.

KM-XVIII Helps you identify coins quickly. This is the most complete book dedicated to the many 18th century coin issues. It includes listings from all countries, and thousands of sharp photos. You'll also have an easier time evaluating your favorites thanks to the current pricing in four grades of condition.


F An English translation of Ting Fu-Pao (Ding Fubao) with an up to date price guide (along with the original 1940's prices) This is the standard reference on Chinese cash used by the Chinese, translated using the Pinyin transliteration. Includes annotations and corrections on the original work, numbering system, cross reference table to Schjoth, Dynasty and reign charts, Wade-Giles and Pinyin conversion tables and much, much more. Includes many items not in Schjoth. 252 pages, loose leaf punched for standard 3 ring binder.
Joel Anderson ($30.00)

L Lockhart, one of the standard references on Chinese cash, was originally published in 1915 and has long been out of print. It lists over 2000 Chinese coins (more than Schjoth) from spades to the first coins struck by the Republic, on 172 plates, plus descriptions and a good introductory history of Chinese coins. Spiral bound reprint with plastic covers.
Joel Anderson ($29.50)

WB An impressive work which allows cash coins issued by the first three Chi'ng emperors to be dated to the exact year of issue (rather than just the reign), thus opening new areas for collecting interest. Also contains important information about the manufacturing of cash coins, location of mints, mintage figures, economic policy, as well as other interesting facts. 126 pages plus many large pull out charts.
Joel Anderson ($35.00)

J This useful 28 page booklet illustrates a representative coin or two from each reign from about 700BC to 1912AD. Good, inexpensive identification guide.
Joel Anderson ($3.00)

W A useful supplement to Schjoth and other catalogs on Chinese Cash. Allows one to "look up" coins without spending a lot of time paging through the catalogs. Cross references Schjoth - S, Tsai, Ting Fu Pao - F, Coole - AC, Lockhart - L, Smith etc.
Joel Anderson ($6.00)

RT An interesting booklet about this famous Chinese Emperor who usurped the throne in 9AD, reorganized the monetary system and the country (many of his ideas sound just like modern socialism!) and left the country in an absolute ruin. The booklet discusses the man, his plan, and his coins. 20p. Softcover.
Joel Anderson ($3.00)

R A good book that covers all those strange symbols the Chinese (and others) stamped on coins. Also includes a chapter on Shroff marks (Indian). Over 200 photos. Includes a discussion of rarity. 54p.
Joel Anderson ($10.00)

John Dell

AC Also has a small amount of information on old Annamese, Japanese and Korean coins.
John Dell

TM Values given.
John Dell

SH Revised and edited publication of S. Values given.

John Dell

John Dell

John Dell

John Dell

John Dell

KM-XVII As the first edition of XVII century catalog it have many gaps and weak areas. China is satisfactory, though it is a bit awkward in its arrangement. It does a good job of covering world Gold Coins and Silver Crowns, since Krause Publications has done books in this area, but it leaves out a lot of the low denomination silver and copper coins, which are the ones that collectors are most likely to encounter.
Joel Anderson ($59.50)

PN 2 vols, over 1000 pages and a wealth of detail.
Axel Michaelowa

HS It is a catalogue covering the whole period 300 BC till 1916 and illustrating every coin by rubbing.
Axel Michaelowa

You can search articles in periodical publications (11 magazines) by keywords (I suppose 'chin' & 'annam') in excelent database of the Numismatic Indexes Project (NIP) by the Harry W.Bass.

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