Книги по восточной нумизматике на продажу или обмен
Oriental numismatics books for sale or exchange

Vladimir Belyaev

  1. Френ Х.М. Монеты ханов улуса Джучиева или Золотой Орды с монетами разных иных Мухаммеданских династий, 1832 г., репринт 2001 г.
    Fraehn, Ch. M. Coins of the Khans of the Ulus Jujid or the Golden Horde with Coins of Various Islamic Dynasties, 1832, reprint 2001
          Price: $20 including worldwide airmail shipping

  2. Coole, Arthur Braddan Coins in China History, 1965, 4th edition, 187 pp., 9.5 x12". An overview of Chinese money from the cowrie through the Republic, illustrated with photos, charts, and a 60-page dynastic time-line. Huge index of primitive money and cash coin legends from China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea.
    Edited in 4000 individually numbered copies. This copy have number 3309.
          Price: $70 including shipping in Russia

  3. Вайнберг Б.И. Древние монеты Хорезма, 1977 г.
    Vainberg, B.I Coins of Ancient Khoresm, 1977
          Price: write

  4. Давидович Е.А. История денежного обращения средневековой Средней Азии (медные монеты XV - первой четверти XVI в. в Маверанахре), 1983 г.
    Davidovich, E.A. History of Monetary Circulation in Medieval Central Asia (Copper Coins of the 15th - First Quarter of the 16th Century in Transoxania), 1983
          Price: write

  5. Jen, David Chinese Cash: Identification and Price Guide, 2000
          Price: $50 including shipping in Russia

  6. Gorny, Norman F. Northern Song Dynasty Cash Variety Guide. Volume 1: Fugo Senshi, 2002
          Price: $24 including worldwide airmail shipping

  7. Древности Поволжья и других регионов, 2002 г., вып.4, "Нумизматика"
    The antiquities of Povolzh'ye and other regions, 2002, issue 4, Numismatics.
          Price: $20 including worldwide airmail shipping

  8. Камышев А.М. Раннесредневековый монетный комплекс Семиречья. История возникновения денежных отношений на территории Кыргызстана, 2002 г.
    Kamyshev, A.M. The Early Mediaeval Coin Complex from Semirechye. A Survey of the Origin of Monetary Circulation in the Area of Kyrgyzstan, 2002
          Price: write