Ming Ting Sung Pao

Size 24.8 mm
Obverse: Ming Ting Sung Pao - legend reported in the books as 'unknown'
Reverse: Plain

Message from David Hrivnak (15-Jul-98):
    The "unknown" coin you list Ming Ting Sung Pao is in one of my books as being minted between 1150-1250, minted in the Sung and Yuan dyanasties. The reference is a photocopied listing of coins from Annam, China and surrounding areas. I copied it about 5 years ago and forgot to write down the name of the book!! If I remember, it's from the UK.

Message from Wybrand Op den Velde (31-Jul-98):
    A.B. Coole: Encyclopedia of Chinese coins, volume 1 (1967), has listed this coin on page 492. Coole gives 22 works in which this coin is mentioned or illustrated. See Encyclopedia by Ding Fu Bao on page 250. The legend is also read as Ming Sung Ting Pao or Minh Tinh Tong Bao. The combination of characters of a different script style on one coin points to a Vietnamese origin (Sung in seal script). The attribution suggested by David Hrivnak seems unlikely. There is no year title Ming Ting or Ming Sung used by the Sung or Yuan rulers.

Any additional comments on that coin would be appreciated. You can sent it to Vladimir Belyaev .
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