Two Major Types
of The 3-Groove Sycee

Stephen Tai
Sep, 27, 1998
Type A: (Bigger size) weighed 4 - 6 taels (140-230 grams)
Inscription: - Xian Feng Er Nian The 2nd year of Xian Feng, 1852, (1851-1861)
Dimensions: 42(L) x 60(W) x 14(H)
Weight: 228 g (6 Taels)
Inscription: - Hong Ju Chang Firm
Dimensions: 41(L) x 58(W) x 11(H)
Weight: 190 g (5 Taels)
Inscription: - Yong Mao Zi Hao - Yong Mao Firm
Dimensions: 38(L) x 55(W) x 9(H)
Weight: 150g (4 Taels)
Type B: (Smaller size) weighed 2.5 - 3 taels (80-120 grams)
Inscription: - De Bao Jiu Ba - De Bao Firm's Silver in 98% of Silver Finesse
Dimensions: 42(L) x 30(W) x 12(H)
Weight: 99 g (2.7 Taels)
Inscription: - Jin Bao Hao Yin - Jin Bao Firm's Remittance Silver
Dimensions: 45(L) x 30(W) x 8(H)
Weight: 89 g (2.5 Taels)
Inscription: - Guang Xu San Nian The 3rd year of Guang Xu, 1877 (1875-1908)
Rong Mao Jiu Ba Yin - Rong Mao Firm's Silver in 98% of Silver Finesse
Dimensions: 45(L) x 30(W) x 8(H)
Weight: 89 g (2.5 Taels)

Silver Sycee