Inscription: Xi -
Happiness Dimension: 33 (L) x 10 (W) x 17 (H) mm Weight: 26 g ( around 7 maces and 2 candareens)
The shown sycee is a good-luck sycee in boat shape, cast in around
late Ching or early Republican period, with inscription of a single
character Xi, i.e. happiness. It was usually taken as a wedding's or
birthday's present to someone.
Its weight, 7 maces and 2 candareens, is relatively small, if compared to
those commonly seen good-luck sycee of one tael or two. However, it was, not
at all, rarely seen in the past.
When silver coins weighed 7 maces and 2 candareens became welcomed by
Chinese people, some silversmiths also followed the same weight in making
sycee, so as to have sycee compete with coins by facilitating the users of
the sycee to use them as same as to use silver coins. The shown sycee could
be generated under such background.