Fax number: (852)-2891-5837
Payment: U.S. dollar checks or cash. Checks take two weeks to clear
Postage: US$4 for 5 or less coins, US$6 for 19 or less, US$8 for 20 or more
Postage method: wrapped via registered airmail at your risk
Special services: want lists serviced, you can ask for any ancient coins in any catalogue and I can find them for you. I have an extensive network of sources and can provide the best services available anywhere. Try me and you won't be disappointed. Guarantee: All my coins are geniune. You have a lifetime guarantee on that. If by any chance something escapes my eyes, you can have a refund anytime.

CHOU  DYNASTY        1122 B.C.  to   255 B.C.             US$
S1 Type         Large  Kim Far                            130
S8              Chou Spade-- Ping Yin                      30
S15             Chou Spade-- An Yin                        30
S31-33          Chou Spade-- Liang                         45
D181            Chou Spade-- Ping An    scarce             65
D210            Chou Spade-- Man Si     scarce             70
S23-A           Spade of Lin                              700
HH-Spade III    Flat shoulder hollow spade-medium         350
S41 Type        Angled-shoulder hollow handle spade-medi  400
S42             Similar to HH-spade III                   400
S43             Large hollow handle spade                 830
Note: The above are types only. For specific spades, please use Ding Fok Pao. They
are available on request. Below are some of the non Schjoth-listed spades in Ding
D152            sharp-footed spade-- Ping Chou             70
*There are also many types of sharp-footed spade. Schjoth listed the general shape as
S40. I carry many different types.Please request for them.
D178            Small spade of Lao (home of Confucius)--   55
D282            Kung                                       90
D289            Large spade-- Sui Pao 10 cash             775
I can find almost all the types of spades in Ding.Send in your request & I will do the rest
CHOU DYNASTY                KNIFE
S45             Three character Knife                     165
D352            Four character knife                      480
not listed      Small four character knife -- more scarc  545
not listed      Smaller four character knife -- even mor  595
D356            Five character knife                      630
S51             Ming  Knife                                20
S63             Sharp-pointed Knife                        90
D346            Straight knife-- Pak Yan                   60
D345            same-- Kim Dan                             60
CHOU DYNASTY                   ROUND   CASH
S66             Yik Huo  (1 cash)                         165
S68             Yik san Huo  (3 cash)                     115
S71             Yik lu  Huo    (6 cash)                    95
S73             Hang                                       90
S75             Kung                                      650
S76             Ming Yu  (Bright Moon)                    110
S77/78          Yee Tao                                    40
Others in Ding on request
nil             Bridge Money                               40
nil             Large and more detailed Bridge Money       90
nil             Fish Money                                 80
nil             Large Fish Money with scales on body      135
S A-3           The original shell                         15
S- A-7          Bone Cowie                                 17
S-A9            Bronze Cowie                               50
S- No.15        Ghost Face Money of Chu                    13
nil             White Bone Cowie -- 4 holes at bottom      20
nil             Jade cowie      (no known documentation)   20
nil             Pottery cowie   ( same )                   13
Note:Chou consists also of the Periods of Spring & Autumn and Warring States. It is
during the rule of the Chous that fedual lords began taking full control of their lands.
In theory though, they are still subjects of Chou and still needs to pay homeage.

CH'IN DYNASTY         255 B.B.  to  206 B.C.
S79             12 chu Pan Liang                           65
S85             4 chu Pan Liang                            5
S86             Chicken Eye Pan Liang                      10
S88             8 chu Pan Liang                            30
S92             6 chu Pan Liang                            8
S97             Liang Pan, 4 chu (characters revert posi   30
Note:Pan Liang is invented by Ch'in but is minted through Han Dynasty.Sizes varied and
true Ch'in mints are the 12 chu by the 1st Emperor and the 8 chu by the 2nd Emperor.
The rest are minted during Han. These too are widely circulated as offical cash coins.
S102-C/D396     Kei Chi  (two liang)            RARE      380

WESTERN  HAN  DYNASTY      ( 206 B.C.  TO  8 A.D.)
S101     Tang Tung pan liang -- contour lump on top & bo   45
(S101)   Lumps on obv., but additional 2 lines and dot o   75
S103            3 chu   RARE                              140
S104/106        6 chu Pan Liang (same as S92)              8
S107/108        4 chu Pan Liang (same as S85)              5
not listed      4 chu Pan Liang, struck in IRON ---  ver   55
S114/115        Wu Chu                                     4

HSIN  DYNASTY   (WANG MING)         ( 7 A.D. TO 22 A.D.)
S116            Si Tao 500 cash  (key money)              185
S117/118        Si Tao      (commonly known as Si Tao He   75
S119            Yi Tao Ping Wu Chi (5000 cash)(Thick key  830
D458            Yi Tao (commonly known as Yi Tao Head)    130
S120            Ta Chuan Wu Shih                           5
S134            Ta Chuan Wu Shih, double obv., parallel    70
S136            Ta Chuan Shih Wu (left&right characters change places)          65
D448            Ta Chuan Wu Shih, rev. four lines coming out from hole            60
not listed      Ta Chuan Wu Shih in iron                   85
not listed      Ta Chuan Wu Shih, rev. 7 dots on top       65
S139            Si Chuan Chi Yi (1 cash)                   10
S141a           Kung Chu Yi Shin (10 cash)                370
S142            Yu Chu Yu Shih  (20 cash)                 550
D467            Si Pao Yi Pai (100 cash)("Little Spade")  370
D477            Chung Pao Lu Pai (600 cash) "Medium Spad  450
S145            Tai Pao Wang Chin (1000 cash) "Big Spade   35
S146            same, rev. line stops at hole              40
S147            same, obv. line stops at hole              40
S148            Huo  Pao                                   15
S149            Huo Chuan                                  3
not listed      Huo Chuan, rev. off center, showing rim    45
S149 type       Thick, Huo Chuan Money Cake                10
S169            Double obv. Huo Chuan                      85
*Other types of Huo Chuan on request
S175            Pu Chuan of Wang Ming (thin characters)    20

EASTERN  HAN  DYNASTY   ( 25 A.D.  TO  220 A.D.)
S178a           Si Chi Wu Chu (obv. four small lines fro   12
S179            Si Chi Wu Chu (rev. four small lines fro   12

THE  THREE  KINGDOMS         (A.D. 221  TO 265)

Suk Han Kingdom  (Minor Han)
S181/182        Chi Pai Wu Chu                             35
S183            Chi Pai Wu Chu, rev. bird shaped charact   60
not listed      Ultra thin and smaller Chi Pai Wu Chu, a   45
S188            Chi Pai                                    35
D525            Suk Wu Chu (spear head character on left   50
Kingdom of Wu  (East Wu)
S192/193        Ta Chuan Wu Pai  (500 cash)                95
S195/197        Ta Chuan Tang Chi  (1000 cash)             95
S198            Ta Chuan Tang Chi, smaller size            85
D537            Ta Chuan Tang Chi  (1000 cash),  small s  135
NOTE: Kingdom of Wei uses Wu Chu of Han Dynasty.

CHIN  DYNASTY     (265A.D.  to 420 A.D.)
S200            Ta Ping Pai Chuan   ( 100 cash)            40
S201            Ta Ping Pai Chuan in special character &   70
S204            Ta Ping Pai Chuan small size               40
S205            Tai Ping Pai Chuan extra small size        40
D543            Tai Ping Pai Chuan in special script wit   80
D544            Tai Ping Pai Chuan, common script with d   70
S207            Ding Ping Yee Pai -- small size            45
S208/210        "Chicken Eye"  Wu Chu  (ultra small coin   6

NORTH  AND  SOUTH  DYNASTIES    (420 A.D.  to 589 A.D.)
"Rebels"-- Actually State of Chi (319 to 351) S211 and State of Sai (304 to 347) S213
S211            Fung Huo                                   80
D559            Han Hsing, characters from top to bottom   40
Note: S213 is much tougher than D559 and is always consider a rarity in Chinese books
Early  Leung     324 to 376 A.D.
D505            Leung Chao San Huo (New coin made by Leu  520
Southern  Sung    420 to 479 A.D.
S215            Si Chu  ( 4 chu)                           90
S218/219        Hsian Ping Si Chu                         135
Southern Liang   502 to 557 A.D.
S223            Wu Chu, with rim around centre h1st Emp.   20
S228            Sam Lon Wu Chu (small size with rim)       25
S233            Wu chu, obv. upper and lower dots, 4th E   30
Northern  Wei     386 to 557 A.D.
S237            Tai Wau Wu Chi  (rarer type of Wu Chu)     90
S239            Wing On Wu Chu                             20
D610            Wing On Wu Chu, rev. character "To" (Ear   80
Northern  Chi    550 to 577 A.D.
S242            Chang Ping Wu Chu                          55
Southern  Chan   557 to 589 A.D.
S243/244        Tai Huo Lu Chu  (6 cash)                   80
Northern  Chou    557 to 581 A.D.
S245            N.Chou Pu Chuan(thicker characters than    30
S248            Wu Hsing Ta Pu  (smaller)                  40
S249            Wu Hsing Ta Pu  (smallest)                 40
S250            Wing Tung Man Kwok                         90
S250(ZINC)      Wing Tung Man Kwok, made of zinc -- reco  155
Note: Above coin is recorded to exist in Ding, p.66.

SUI   DYNASTY        (589A.D.  to  618 A.D.)

S253            Thick rim Wu Chu                           4
(S253)          Thick rim Wu Chu in white metal  ---  sc   55
S256 unfortunately does not exists -- it's not recorded in any Chinese references. It's
either very rare or a fake. Be very careful if anyone offers you one.
S258            Wu Chu, larger dot at bottom of rim        30
S289            Wu Chu, obv. vertical line above and bel   35
S306/307        Cut edge Wu Chu                            15
D582            Cut edge Wu Chu, obv. both sidesRare      180
S306 and S307 are the same. They are results of chaotic times. Officals cut out the
edges to "steal" metal in order to make more coins. S304 and S305 is another way of
stealing metal-- by cutting out metal from the hole instead of from outside.
S310            Wu Kim, character "Kim" has four dots in   45
Note: S310 is not an iron coin and it's actual size is smaller than Schjoth.
D657            Wu Wu                                      55
not list   scarcWu Wu, two dots, one on top, one at bott   90
D659            Wu Chu, "Ping" on top                      70
not list  scarceWu Chu, 2 sets of characters at 90 degrees of each other        80
not listed      Wu Chu, obv. 2 lines below, looks like C   45
not listed      Wu Chu, rev. dot on left                   45
not listed      Wu Chu, five uneven dots on upper obv.     50

TANG   DYNASTY    (618A.D.  to

Kai Yuan Tao Pao -- issued from reign of 1st Emperor Kao Chu  618 - 626 A.D.
S312            Kai Yuan Tao Pao(713 to 741 A.D.)          2
not listed      Kai Yuan Tao Pao, double obv.   ( very s   75
S313            Kai Yuan Tao Pao,  smaller size            3
S314            Kai Yuan, lower character second line da   15
S315            Kai Yuan, rev. crescent on top             2
S316            Kai Yuan, rev. upside down crescent on t   5
S318            Kai Yuan, rev. top crescent tilted to le   5
S319            Kai Yuan, rev. top crescent tilted to ri   5
S321            Kai Yuan, rev. fat crescent at bottom      5
S322            Kai Yuan, rev. crescent titled to left o   5
S334            Kai Yuan, rev. line on left                7
S335            Kai Yuan, rev. thicker crescent on top &   10
S241            Kai Yuan, centre hole off centre           5
S342            Kai Yuan, rev. fat crescent at bottom      7
S344            Kai Yuan, rev. dot and crescent on top     12
not listed      Kai Yuan, rev. lines at left and bottom    15
not listed      Kai Yuan, rev. two large dots on top and   30
not listed      Kai Yuan, rev. long line on upper right    15
not listed      Kai Yuan, rev. long line on right          15
not listed      Kai Yuan, rev. double crescent on top      20
not listed      Kai Yuan, off centre strike of S315        10
not listed      Kai Yuan, rev. double edge at bottom       15
not listed      Kai Yuan, star-edge hole (hole shape lik   20
not listed      Kai Yuan, irregular centre hole            10
not listed      Kai Yuan, white metal                      25
not listed      Kai Yuan, white metal, rev. long line on   35
Third Emperor Kao Tsung -- 650 - 683 A.D.
S350            Chisn Feng Chuan Pao    (666 to 667 A.D.   95
Seventh Emperor Su Tsung -- 756 - 762 A.D.
S352            Chisn Yuan Chung Pao    (841 to 846 A.D.   15
S353            Chsin Yuan 1 cash                          7
D687            Chsin Yuan 1 cash, rev. cloud above  ---  130
S358            Chsin Yuan 5 cash, rev. cloud-like mintm   85
S262            Chsin Yuan 1 cash, rev. crescent below     10
not listed      Chsin Yuan 2 cash, rev. double circle li   40
not listed      Chsin Yuan 2 cash, star shape centre hol   30
Eighth Emperor Doi Tsung -- 763 - 779 A.D.
D702            Tai Li Yuan Pao (766 to 779 A.D.)          95
Ninth Emperor Tak Tsung -- 780 - 804 A.D.
D705            Chien Chung Tao Pao (780 to 783 A.D.)  9  145
Kai  Yuan  Tao  Pao -- issued from reign of  15th Emperor Wu Tsung   841-846 A.D.
These types known as "Way Chang Kai Yuan" after Wu Tsung's reign title
S366            Kai Yuan, rev. "Chang"                     15
S367            Kai Yuan, rev. "King"                      15
S369            rev. "King" and crescent at bottom         15
S376            rev. "Lam" (blue) on right                 20
(S376)          S376 but rev. off centre 35% -- very cle   45
S377            rev. "Lam" (blue) on right and crescent    20
S380            rev. "San"       (coin not nice)           15
S381            rev. "San"  on right                       20
S383            rev. "Viet"  on bottom                     15
S384            rev. "Hsuan" on left and crescent on top   15
S388            rev. "Hung" on left                        30
S389            rev. "Kung" upside down on bottom          20
S390            rev. "Tam" on left                         30
S392            rev. "Kan"                                 25
S393            rev. "Yung"                                15
S395            rev. "Auk" (Hupeh)                         15
S398            rev. "Hing"                                15
S400            rev. "Kwang" (Kwangtung) on right          30
S404            rev. thin "Dan"                            35
(S404 off centreA nice, clear off centre coin of S404 --   50
S405            rev. fat "Dan"                             35
S406            Kai Yuan Tung Pao in iron --- very scarc   55
D727            rev. "Ping"                                45
D734            rev. "Kuei" on right                       35
D738            rev. "Fook" -- this one scarce             45
not listed      rev. "Fook" at right, crescent on top, l   55
not listed      rev. upside down "Fook" at bottom, cresc   50
not listed      rev. four lines coming out from each cor   55
TANG  REBEL ---     Shi  Si  Ming  (An important general and governor)
S407            Te Yi Yuan Pao                             80
D747            Te Yi Yuan Pao, rev. vrescent on right    120
D748            Te Yi Yuan Pao, rev. crescent at bottom   120
not listed      Te Yi Yuan Pao, rev. blank
S409            Shung Tien Yuan Pao, rev. crescent on to   35
D753            Shung Tien Yuan Pao, rev. dot & crescent   80
not listed      Shung Tien Yuan Pao, rev. crescent at bo   95
*** Three pieces of these can be found in the collection of the Shanghai Museum
not listed      Shung Tien Yuan Pao, four dots on sides,  230
not listed      Shung Tien Yuan Pao, larger size, blank   150

First three dynasties did not issue coins in quantity. There are 6 recorded types but all
are rare to very rare. They probably continue to use the Kai Yuan Tao Pao.
Later Chin Dynasty  (3rd dynasty and mainly puppet to Si Dan) 936 to 946 A.D.
D3101           Jon Kwok Yuan Pao ---- very rare          395
"Jon Kwok" means "to strengthen the country". This is a very rare coin, and even Ding
has little knowledge of it. This coin was issued in 937 with a sister coin "Chu Kwok" in a
border military town, mainly because there was a lack of coinage. Very few were found.
Later Han Dynasty (4th dynasty and shortest in history of China) 947 to 951 A.D.(4 yrs.)
S411            Han Yuan Tao Pao, rev. blank               50
S411-A          Han Yuan, obv. dot lower right             55
S412            Han Yuan, rev. crescent above              55
S413            Han Yuan, rev. crescent below              55
D763            Han Yuan, rev. crescent and dot on top     65
not listed      Han Yuan, rev. line on left                70
Later Chou Dynasty   (5th dynasty, the most stable of all five)  951 to 960A.D.
S414            Chou Yuan Tao Pao                          10
S415            Chou Yuan, rev. crescent at bottom         13
S416            Chou Yuan, rev. crescent at left           13
S418            Chou Yuan, rev. crescent at upper left     13
S419            Chou Yuan, rev. crescent at upper right    13
S420            Chou Yuan, rev. crescent at lower left     13
S422            Chou Yuan, rev. line below                 13
S425            Chou Yuan, rev. dot at left                13
D764            Chou Yuan, rev. dot at top centre          15
not listed      Chou Yuan, rev. thick line(looks like a    17
State of Earlier Shu   (903 to 925 A.D.)
S429            Tung Cheng Yuan Pao     916 A.D.           55
S430            Tien Han Yuan Pao       917 A.D.           30
not listed      Tien Han Yuan Pao, rev. dot & crescent o   45
S431            Kuang Tien Yuan Pao     918 A.D.           30
S433            Chisn Tak Yuan Pao      919 - 924          25
S434            Hsien Kang Yuan Pao     925 A.D.           30
State of Mun (Fukien)   (909 to 945 A.D.)
D777 type       Kai Yuan Tao Pao in lead,1 cash rev. "Fu   55
D779            Kai Yuan Tao Pao in lead, 5 cash size 90   90
State of Southern Han  (909 to 971 A.D.)
S436            Chien Hang Chung Pao  in lead, small 1 c   12
D828            Chien Hang 1 cash in lead, rev. "Nac" on   30
State of Southern Tang  (937 to 961 A.D.)
S440            Tai Tang Tung Pao  (scarce)                30
S441            Tang Kuo Tao Pao in strange characters     5
S444            Tang Kuo Tao Pao -- small size             25
S445            Tang Kuo Tao Pao in standard characters    5
S446            Kai Yuan Tao Pao in unique, strange char   20
(D810)          Wing Tung Chuan Huo in iRARE              250
***This is actually a good buy. The ones listed are all in brass, and they are very rare.
There is however the iron type, which are actually not so rare and affordable.
D816            Tang Kuo Tao Pao-- large characters, rev   55
D818            Tang Kuo Tao Pao-- large 5 cash   (RARE)  450

State of Chu  (907 to 951 A.D.)
S448            Chisn Feng Chuan Pao large size, rev. "T  320
D798            Chisn Feng Chuan Pao large size, rev. "T  500

1st Emperor  Sung Tai Tsu  960-976
S451            Sung Yuan Tao Pao       960-976            6
not listed      Sung Yuan Tao Pao, rev. dot below          15
not listed      Sung Yuan Tung Pao, rev. dot at lower ri   15
not listed      Sung Yuan Tung Pao, rev. dot at left       15
not listed      Sung Yuan Tung Pao, rev. line on upper l   8
2nd Emperor Sung Tai Tsung  976-997
S460            Tai Ping Tao Pao        976-983            3
S463            Shun Hua Yuan Pao       990-994            3
S466            Chih Tao Yuan Pao       995-997            3
3rd Emperor Sung Chen Tsung  998-1022
S469            Hsien Ping Yuan Pao       998-1003         3
S470            Hsien Ping, thick&heavy, hole not punche   95
S471            Ching Tak Yuan Pao      1004-1007          4
S473            Hsiang Fu Yuan Pao      1008-1016          3
(S477) silver   Hsiang Fu Tung pao in silver --- rare     390
S480            Tien Hsi Tao Pao        1017-1021          3
4th Emperor Sung Jen Tsung  1023-1063
S484            Tien Sing Yuan Pao      1023-1031          3
S486            same, standard script                      3
S489            Ming Tao Yuan Pao       1031-1033          25
S490            same, standard script                      25
not listed      S489 type, but rev. with vertical line o   35
*Ming Tao are all 1 cash size coins, not 2 cash as in Schjoth.2 cash don't exist for type
S492            Ching Yu Yuan Pao       1034-1037          3
S494            same, standard script                      3
S496            Huang Sung Tung Pao     1038-1039          3
S498            same, standard script                      3
S504            Ching Li Chung Pao      1041-1048          20
D915            Ching Li iron 3 cash                       45
S507/508 does not exist. No geniune specimen ever found. See Ding
S509            Chih Wo Yuan Pao        1054-1055          3
S510            (same) different characters                3
S511            (same) standard scripts Much Harder        65
S513            Chih Wo Tung Pao                           3
D925            Chih Wo Chung Pao 2 cash --  VERY  RARE   550
D932            Chih Wo iron 3 cash                        80
S515            Chia Yu Yuan Pao        1056-1063          3
S517            Chia Yu Tung Pao                           3
5th Emperor Sung Ying Tsung  1064-1068
S523            Chih Ping Yuan Pao      1064-1067          5
S526            Chin Ping Tung Pao                         5
Note: 5th Emperor Ying Tsung reigned for only four years
6th Emperor Sung Shon Tsung  1068-1085
S533            Hsi Ling Yuan Pao       1068-1077          3
S537            Hsi Ling Chun Pao                          7
S545            Yuan Feng Tung Pao      1078-1085          3
S546/D969       Yuan Feng Tung Pao, standard script  ---  280
S547            (same), different scripts                  3
S551            S545, but 2 cash size                      12
S552            S547, but 2 cash size                      12
S560            S545 type, Iron, medium size               40
S562            S547 type, Iron, medium size               40
7th Emperor Sung Cho Tsung  1086-1100
S565/566        Yuan Yu Tung Pao        1086-1093          3
(S565)          Yuan Yu Tung Pao, rev. off centre strike   15
S567            same, different script                     3
S573            S565 type 2 cash                           7
S574            S567 type 2 cash                           7
S580            Yuan Yu iron 3 cash, different script      35
S581            Yuan Yu iron 3 cash, standard script       35
S583            Shao Shing Yuan Pao, rev. crescent at bo   25
S584            Shao Shing Yuan Pao, rev. dot at bottom    25
S585            Shao Shing Yuan Pao     1094-1097          3
S586            same, different script                     3
S587            same, rev. crescent on bottom-- scarce     30
S588            obv.S585, rev. crescent on top --Not off   30
S593            S585 type 2 cash                           7
S595            S586 type 2 cash                           7
S596            Shao Shing iron 1 cash                     25
S597            Shao Shing iron 2 cash S585 type           20
S598            same, S586 type                            20
D1003           Shao Shing Tung Pao iron I cash            30
S599            Yuan Fu Tung Pao        1098-1100          3
S602            same, different script                     3
S604            S599 type 2 cash                           7
S605            S602 type 2 cash                           7
S606            Yuan Fu iron 1 cash, different script, c   45
D1012           Yuan Fu iron 1 cash, standard script,clo   40
D1013           Yuan Fu iron 1 cash, standard script & f   40

8th Emperor Sung Hui Tsung  1101-1126
S608            Shing Sung Yuan Pao     1101               10
S609            Shing Sung 1 cash in different script      10
S612/613        Shing Sung Yuan Pao                        10
S615            Shing Sung iron cash                       70
S617            Shing Sung Yuan Pao iron 1 cash            45
not list  (RARE)Shing Sung Chung Pao iron 3 cash, rev."1  170
Note: Above coin is close to S875, only one rev. character is different.
Shing Sung is a one year type and it is not based on the reign title. The 8th Emperor
Hui Tsung came to the throne in 1101 and stayed on until 1125, when he abdicated to
his son (see story on Last Emperor). His first reign title is "Kin Chung Chi Kwok", but he
chooses a different name for his first coin. Clearly it would be impossible to put a four
word reign title on a coin which has space for only four words including the all-necessary
"Tung Pao".Besides, "Shing Sung" has special meanings. Translated, it means
"Most Holy Sung".Hui Tsung is never a wise ruler,but he's famous for his artisitic talents
The characters on "Chung Ming" and "Ta Kuan" coins are written by him.
S619            Chung Ming Tung Pao     1102-1106          40
Chung Ming 1 cash is the hardest among all the different sizes
S621            5 cash, S619 type                          10
S622            5 cash, S620 type                          10
S624            Double obv. 5 cash of S6RARE              350
not listed      S621, obv. struck twice at different ang  150
D1052           S622, but iron                             35
S628            Ta Kuan Tung Pao        1107-1110          4
S629            2 cash          tough denomination         45
D1061           Ta Kuan Tung Pao 3 cash ---- very scarce   60
S631            Ta Kuan iron cash                          20
not listed      Ta Kuan iron 2 cash                        25
S632            Ta Kuan iron 3 cash             large words           35
S630            Ta Kuan 10 cash                            15
D1065           Ta Kuan Tung Pao ultra large size -----   250
S635 = D1071    Cheng Wo Tung Pao       1111-1117          25
S638            Cheng Wo 2 cash in artistic script         4
S640            Cheng Wo 2 cash in standard script         4
S641            Cheng Wo iron 1 cash                       35
D1078           Cheng Wo 2 cash in smaller size but larg   4
S643            Cheng Wo 2 cash in iron and artistic scr   20
S644            Cheng Wo 2 cash in iron and standard scr   20
D1095           Chung Wo Tung Pa    1118  RARE 1 year ty  255
In 1118, Hui Tsung changed his reign title to Chung Wo. For reasons unexplained, he
did not like his choice and changed reign title again in 1119. Very few coins were minted
durinf this period and only one size, the small cash, was made. There are two types,
one in standard script and one in artistic script. The coin illustrated in Schjoth is too big
to be real. No big size coins were minted with the reign title of "Chung Wo".
D1095 is the one in artistic script.It is rarer than the other one.
S649            Hsuan Wo Tung Pao       1119-1125          10
S652            Hsuan Wo Yuan Pa      (very rare)         110
D1098           Hsuan Wo Yuan Pao in S648 type script      95
Note: Hsuan Wo Yuan Pao are much tougher to find than Hsuan Wo Tung Pao
S653            Hsuan Wo Tung Pao, standard script         10
not listed      Hsuan Wo Tung Pao in silRARE              390
Note: this is of an unique design. the characters go Hsuan on top, Wo on right, Tung
on bottom and Pao on left. No Tung pao has this sequenceThis coin
can be seen in "Sung Cash  Tai Chung" as coin #413
S660            Hsuan Wo 5 cash                            10
S662            Hsuan Wo Tung Pao, rev."shen"(Shensi) on   80
S666            Hsuan Wo Tung Pao, rev."shen"(Shensi) on   90
D1109           same as S666 but in copper---- even more  120
9th (Last) Emperor Sung Chin Tsung  (1126-1127)
D1125           Ching Kang Yuan Pao  2 c1126-1127         290
D1126           Ching Kang Yuan Pao  2 cash, standard sc  250
The Emperor Chin Tsung came to the throne in 1126 at age 27; after his father
abdicated. The reason for this is because Hui Tsung found it "too difficult" to deal with
problems with the Kims. His solution therefore is to give up the throne so that he can
consentrate on having fun and leaving the troubles behind for his son to deal with. The
trouble proved to be too big. In 1127, the Kam army invaded China and took the north.
They also captured the Sung captial and took both Emperors captive. The two were
taken to the Kim homeland where they were treated as slaves. Hui Tsung died in 1135
and Chin Tsung in 1156; both never gotten the chance to return to China. This became
one of the most shameful episode in Han Chinese history, and up to today, everyone
knew of this period as the "Shame of Ching Tsung". This reign is so short and infamous
that Ching Tsung coins became one of the most popular rarities among all.

SOUTHERN  SUNG  DYNASTY     (1127 A.D.  to 1279 A.D.)
1st Emperor  Sung Kao Tsung  1127-1162
            Reign Title Chien Yen used from 1127 to 1130
S675            Chien Yen Tung Pao                         8
D1141           Chien Yen 1 cash in S677 style script      25
D1147           Chien Yen 2 cash, like S673 but left cha   10
D1148           Chien Yen 2 cash, narrow rim version of    8
            Reign Title Shao Hsing used from 1131 to 1162
S679            Shao Hsing 1 cash, scarce (thin plate me   40
S681            Shao Hsing 2 cash ( smaller than shown )   4
S690/691        Shao Hsing 2 cash ( smaller ) , differen   4
S694            Shao Hsing 1 cash  in irscarce             40
2nd Emperor  Sung Hsiao Tsung   1163-1189
            Reign Title Lung Hsing used for one year 1163-1164
S698            Lung Hsing Yuan Pao                        20
S699            Lung Hsing 2 Cash                          20
            Reign Title Chien Tao used from 1165 to 1173
S706            Chien Tao Yuan Pao                         5
S708            Chien Tao  in brass                        5
S710            Chien Tao iron 1 cash                      15
not listed      Chien Tao iron 1 rev. " Tung "             50
S712            Chien Tao iron 2 cash                      15
            Reign Title Shun Hsi used from 1174 to 1189
S714            Shun Hsi Yuan Pao                          4
S715            Shun Hsi , rev. " Seven "                  4
S716            Shun Hsi , rev. " Eight "                  4
S717            Shun Hsi,  rev. " Nine "                   4
S718            Shun Hsi,  rev. " Ten "                    4
S719            Shun Hsi,  rev. " Eleven "                 4
S720            Shun Hsi,  rev. " Twelve "                 4
S721            Shun Hsi,  rev. " Thirteen "               4
S722            Shun Hsi,  rev. " Fourteen "               4
S723            Shun Hsi,  rev. " Fifteen "                4
S724            Shun Hsirev. " Fiftheen "                  4
S725            Shun Hsi,  rev. crescent & dot             5
S731 to S740    Shun Hsi 2 cash, from "seven" to "sixtee     5 each
S741            Shun Hsi 2 cash, rev. crescent and dot     5
S742/D1208      Shun Hsi 2 cash, rev. large character "C   30
D1207           Shun Hsi 2 cash, rev. small character "C   30
D1209           Shun Hsi 2 cash, rev. medium character "   30
S743            Shun Hsi iron 2 cash, blank rev.(charact   15
not listed      Shun Hsi iron 2 cash, rev. "Spring ten"    20
S750 to S753    Shun Hsi iron 2 cash, rev. "Spring 13" t   15 each
S754            Shun Hsi iron 1 cash (coin is larger tha   30
S755            Shun Hsi iron 2 cash, rev. "Spring eleve   15
not listed      Shun Hsi iron 2 cash, rev. "Chun" on top   45
not listed      Shun Hsi iron 2 cash, rev."Shu" on top &   55
not listed      Shun Hsi iron 2 cash, rev. "Tung ten"      20
not listed      Shun Hsi iron 2 cash, rev. "Tung twelve"   20
D1217           Shun Hsi iron 2 cash, rev. "Tung fourtee   20
not listed      Shun Hsi iron 2 cash, rev. "Tung fifteen   20
D1220           Shun Hsi iron 2 cash, rev. "Tung" on lef   35
S757            Shun Hsi iron 3 cash, rev. crescent        65
3rd Emperor  Sung Kuang Tsung  1190-1194 A.D.  (He abdicated to his brother on order
of the Queen Mother; because he refused to furfill his duty as Emperor.)
S758            Shao Hsi Yuan Pao 1 cash, rev. "Yuan"      5
S759            rev. "two"                                 5
S761 to S763    rev. "three" to "five"                       5 each
S765            Shao Hsi Yuan Pa1190-1194  3rd Emperor "   4
S767            Shao Hsi  rev. " Two "                     4
S768            Shao Hsi  rev. " Three "                   4
S769            Shao Hsi  rev. " Four "                    4
S770            Shao Hsi  rev. " Five "                    4
S771            Shao Hsi iron 1 cash  rev. " Spring Four   25
D1238           Shao Hsi iron 1 cash  rev. " Tung Two "    30
not listed      Shao Hsi iron 1 cash  rev.  " Tung Four    30
D1212           Shao Hsi mother cash iron 2 cash, rev. "  120
*this is a strange coin. 1st time I have seen one with only "Tung" at back. All reference
books said only mother cash has "Tung" on back. However, this coin looks no better
than any other iron 2 cash,except it's slightly larger; which is a feature of a mother cash.
S773            Shao Hsi iron 2 cash  rev. " Tung Yuan "   15
not listed      Shao Hsi Tao Pao iron 2 cash rev. " Tung   20
D1233           Shao Hsi Yuan Pao iron 2 cash rev. " Tun   15
not listed      Shao Hsi iron 2 cash rev. " Tung Four "    20
not listed      Shao Hsi iron 2 cash rev. " Tung Five "    20
S777            Shao Hsi iron 2 cash rev. " Han Two "      15
S778            Shao Hsi iron 2 cash rev. " Han Three "    15
S779            Shao Hsi iron 2 cash rev. " Han Four "     15
D1231           Shao Hsi iron 2 cash rev. " Spring One "   15
not listed      Shao Hsi iron 2 cash rev. " Spring Two "   20
S775            Shao Hsi iron 2 cash rev. " Spring Three   15
S776            Shao Hsi iron 2 cash rev. " Spring Four    15
not listed      Shao Hsi iron 2 cash rev. " Spring Five    20
not listed      Shao Hsi iron 2 cash rev. Horizontal  "    40
S782            Shao Hsi iron 2 cash rev. " Suk Three "    50
D1242           Shao Hsi iron 2 cash rev. " Ding Three "   40
not listed      Iron 1 cash  same design as S782           80
4th Emperor  Sung Ning Tsung 1195-1224
          Reign title "Ching Yuan" used from 1195 to 1200
S788 to S793    Ching Yuan Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Yuan"      4 each
S794 to S799    Ching Yuan 2 cash, rev. "Yuan" to "six"      5 each
not listed      Ching Yuan iron 1 cash, rev. "Tung Yuan"   30
S803            Ching Yuan iron 1 cash, rev. "Tung two"    25
not listed      Ching Yuan iron 1 cash, rev. "Tung 3" to   30 each
S804            Ching Yuan iron 1 cash, rev. "Tung six"    25
not listed      Ching Yuan iron 1 cash, rev. "Spring two   30
S805            Ching Yuan iron 1 cash, rev. "Spring thr   25
not listed      same, rev. "Spring four"                   30
S806            same, rev. "Spring five"                   25
not listed      same, rev. "Spring six"                    30
S807            same, rev. "Han five"                      30
S809 to S812    Ching Yuan iron 2 cash, rev. "Tung Yuan"   20 each
not listed      same, rev. "Tung three" and "Tung five"    25 each
S813 to S816    Ching Yuan iron 2 cash, rev. "Spring 2 t   20 each
not listed      same, rev. "Spring five"                   25
* "Spring Yuan" is S821, S813 is the same as S822  ("Spring two")
S817 to S820    Ching Yuan iron 2 cash, rev. "Han two" t   20 each
not listed      same, rev. "Han Yuan" and "Han five"       25 each
          Reign title "Chia Tai" used from 1201 to 1204
S835 to S838    Chia Tai Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Yuan" to    4 each
S839 to S842    Chia Tai Tung Pao 2 cash, rev. "Yuan" to    5 each
S843            Chia Tai Tung Pao 3 cash                   50
S844            Chai Tai iron 2 cash, rev. "Spring Yuan"   20
S845            Chai Tai iron 2 cash, rev. "Han Yuan"      20
S846            Chai Tai iron 2 cash, rev. "Tung three"    20
S847            Chai Tai iron 2 cash, rev. "Tung two"      20
S848            Chai Tai iron 2 cash, rev. "Spring two"    20
S850            Chai Tai iron 2 cash, rev. "Han two"       20
S851            Chai Tai iron 2 cash, rev. "Han three"     20
S852            Chai Tai iron 2 cash, rev. blank           25
Note: S849 is the same as S845, S852 does not exists -- no blank rev. ever minted.
         Reign title "Kai Hsi" used from 1205 to 1207
S857 to S859    Kai Hsi Tung Pao, rev. "Yuan" to "three"    6 each
S860 to S862    Kai Hsi Tung Pao 2 cash, rev. "Yuan" to     8 each
not listed      Kai Hsi iron 1 cash, rev. "Tung Yuan"      35
S864            Kai Hsi iron 2 cash, rev. "Tung two"       25
S865            Kai Hsi iron 2 cash, rev. "Tung three"     25
S867            Kai Hsi iron 2 cash, rev. "Han two"        25
S868            Kai Hsi iron 2 cash, rev. "Han three"      25
S869 to S871    Kai Hsi iron 2 cash, rev. "Spring Yuan"   25 each
*S875 and S876 belongs to North Sung, not South Sung. See "Shing Sung" on p.7
           Reign title "Chia Ting" used from 1208 to 1224
S877            Chia Ting Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Yuan"     4
S879            Chia Ting 1 cash, rev. "two"               4
S881            Chia Ting 1 cash, rev. "four"              4
S882            Chia Ting 1 cash, rev. "six"               4
S883 to S889    Chia Ting 1 cash, rev. "eight" to "fourt    4 each
S890 to S902    Chia Ting 2 cash, rev. "Yuan" to "fourte    5 each
not listed      Chia Ting 2 cash, rev. "nine" -- harder    10
S907 to S918    Chia Ting iron 2 cash, rev. "Spring Yuan   15 each
not listed      same, rev. "Spring thirteen" to "Spring    20 each
S919            Chia Ting iron 2 cash, rev. "Tung Yuan"    20
not listed      Chia Ting iron 2 cash, rev. "Tung three"   20
S920 to S931    Chia Ting iron 2 cash, rev."Han Yuan" to   15 each
*S921 does not exists, Chinese coins don't use " ----" for "one". Possibly a  bad strike.
S958            Chia Ting Yuan Pao 10 cash -- large coin  170
* S958 is about the only large Sung 10 cash that is affordable. Others are very rare.
5th Emperor  Sung Li Tsung  1225 -1264 (his coins are generally rarer)
       Reign title "Pao Ching" used from 1225 to 1227
D1451           Pao Hing Yuan Pao iron 1 cash -- rare     140
*Pao Hing coins are very hard to find because of low mintage. None are listed in Schjoth
 Very shortly after Li Tsung came to the throne (less than a year) he decided to mint Ta
Sung Yuan Pao instead of Pao Hing. Ta Sung was then replaced in 1228 by Shao Ting.
So both these types are hard, but Pao Hing is harder by a good margin. "Ta Sung"
translated means "Great Sung Dynasty". Could be something to do with "Fu Si".
S959            Ta Sung Yuan Pao 1 cash, rev. "Yuan"       15
not listed      Ta Sung Yuan Pao 1 cash, rev. "two"        20
S960            Ta Sung Yuan Pao 1 cash, rev. "three"      15
S961            Ta Sung 2 cash, rev. "two"                 15
S962            Ta Sung 2 cash, rev. "three"               15
not listed      Ta Sung iron 1 cash, rev. "Spring Yuan"    55
not listed      Ta Sung iron 1 cash, rev. "Spring three"   55
         Reign title "Shao Ting" used from 1228 to 1233
S967 to S972    Shao Ting Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Yuan" t   10 each
S973 to S979    Shao Ting Tung Pao 2 cash, rev. "Yuan" t   15 each
D1482           Shao Ting iron 2 cash, rev. "Spring Yuan   65
          Reign title "Tuan Ping" used from 1234 to 1236
S981/S982       Tuan Ping Yuan Pao 1 cash, rev. "Yuan"     55
(S983)          Tuan Ping Tao Pao 5 cash (actual coin is   15
S983            Tuan Ping 5 cash. large size               25
S986            Tuan Ping iron 3 cash, rev. "Ting Wu Pei   75
D1489           Tuan Ping iron 3 cash, rev. "Ting Wu Pei   75
not listed      Tuan Ping iron 3 cash, rev. "Ting Wu Pei   75
not listed      Tuan Ping iron 3 cash, rev. "Ting Wu Tun   75
S988            Tuan Ping iron 3 cash, rev. "Wee Wu Sai    75
          Reign title "Chia Hsi" used from 1237 to 1240
S992            Chia Hsi Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Yuan"      8
not listed      Chia Hsi 1 cash, rev. "two"                10
not listed      Chia Hsi 1 cash, rev. "three"              10
S993            Chia Hsing 1 cash, rev. "four"             8
S994            Chia Hsi 2 cash, rev. "Yuan"               15
S996            Chia Hsi 2 cash, rev. "two"                15
S997            Chia Hsi 2 cash, rev. "three"              15
S999            Chia Hsi Chung Pao 5 cash                  40
         Reign title "Shun Yu" used from 1241 to 1252
S1001 to S1010  Shun Yu Yuan Pao 1 cash, rev. "Yuan" to      4 each
not listed      Shun Yu 1 cash, rev."seven" and "eight"      6 each
S1011 to S1021  Shun Yu 2 cash, rev. "Yuan" to "twelve"      5 each
S1022           Shun Yu Tung Pao 100 cash, small size     130
S1023           Shun Yu Tung Pao 100 cash, large size      95
        Reign title "Pao Yu" used from 1253 to 1258
In 1253 Li Tsung changed his reign title to Pao Yu but decided not to mint coins under
it. Instead, he ordered the mintage of the "Wang Sung" series. Again, there's no clear-
cut reason for this. "Wang Sung" means "Royal Sung Dynasty" when translated.
S1024 to S1029  Wang Sung Yuan Pao 1 cash, rev. "Yuan" t   15 each
S1030 to S1035  Wang Sung Yuan Pao 2 cash, rev. "Yuan" t   20 each
         Reign title "Kai Ching" used in 1259 only
S1036           Kai Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Yuan"     40
S1037           Kai Ching Tung Pao 2 cash, rev. "Yuan"     45
         Reign title "Ching Ting" used from 1260 to 1264
S1038 to S1041  Ching Ting Yuan Pao 1 cash, rev. "Yuan"      5 each
not listed      Ching Ting Yuan Pao 1 cash, rev. "five"    8
S1042           Ching Ting 2 cash, rev. "Yuan"             10
S1043           Ching Ting 2 cash, rev. "two"              10
S1047           Ching Ting 2 cash, rev. "four"             10
S1048           Ching Ting 2 cash, rev. "five"             10
6th Emperor  Sung Tu Tsung 1265-1274 -- only one reign title -- "Hsien Shun"
S1049 to S1053  Hsien Shun Yuan Pao 1 cash, rev. "Yuan"      7 each
not listed      Hsien Shun Yuan Pao 1 cash, rev. "four"    10 each
S1055 to S1063  Hsien Shun 2 cash,rev."Yuan" to "8"(don'   13 each

LIAO  DYNASTY       907 A.D.  to  1125 A.D.
7th Emperor Liao King Tsung  1031-1054
S1065           Chung Hsi Tung Pao      1032-1054          95
8th Emperor Liao Tao Tsung  1055-1100
S1066           Ching Ling Tung Pao     1055-1065          45
S1067           Hsien Yung Tung Pao     1066-1073          45
S1069           Ta Kang Tung Pao        1074-1084          45
S1070           Ta An Yuan Pao          1085-1094          45
S1072           Sal Chuan Yuan Pao      1095-1100          55
Last Emperor Liao Tien Cha Ti  1101-1125
S1073           Chsin Tung Yuan Pao     1101-1110          45
(S1073)         same, mistruck centre hole                 50
S1074           Tien Ching Yuan Pao     1111-1120          55

THE  KINGDOM  OF  WESTERN  HSIA     1032 A.D.  to 1227 A.D.
5th Emperor Hsia Jen Tsung  1140-1193
S1077   *(SIN)  Kiang Yu Yuan Pao in W.Hsia script --  R  390
S1078           Tien Shing Yuan Pao     1149-1170          15
S1079   *(NG)   Kiang Yu Yuan Pa RARE   1171-1193         260
S1080           Kiang Yu Yuan Pao  iron 1 cash             55
7th Emperor Hsia San Tsung  1206-1211
S1081           Wang Chien Yuan Pao     1210-1211          45
8th Emperor Hsia Shen Tsung  1211-1222
S1082           Kuang Ding Yuan Pao     1211-1222          55

CHIN ( or Kim )  DYNASTY   1115 A.D.  to  1234 A.D.
4 th Emperor Kim Vie Ti (meaning "the king who got disposed of")  1149-1161
S1083           Cheng Lung Yuan Pao     1156-1161          8
*Vie Ti came to the throne in 1149 after murdering his cousin Emperor. He was never
popular because of what he did; and in 1161, he decided to invade South Sung. In the
deciding battle of Choi Sak Kei, the Kims were soundly beaten and driven back. This
battle established the foundation for S.Sung and the downfall of Ve Ti. On his way back
north, he was assassinated by his angry officers.
 5th Emperor Kim Si Tsung  1161-1189
S1086           Ta Ding Tung Pao 2 cash -- scarc1161-118   80
S1087           Ta Ding Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Sin" on t   15
S1088           Ta Ding 1 cash, rev. "Sin" on bottom       20
S1089           Ta Ding 1 cash, rev. "Mun" on top          15
S1090           Ta Ding 1 cash, rev. "Mun" on bottom       20
not listed      Ta Ding 1 cash, white metal                30
6th Emperor Kim Chang Tsung  1190-1208
S1093/S1094     Tai Wo Chung Pao(large coin) 1201-1208     65
*S1096 does not exists.
KIM PUPPET  ---- LIU YU  (1131-1137) --- reign title "Ju Chang"
D1676           Ju Chang Chung Pao 5 cash ---  Rare       450

YUAN  DYNASTY  1260 A.D.  to 1368 A.D.
Pre-establishment of dynasty
S1097-A         Tai Chao Tung Pao (very low gradRARE      450
1st Emperor Yuan Si Chu  1260-1294
D1706   *(SIN)  Chi Yuan Tung Pao 1 cash in Mongolian sc  390
S1102           Chi Yuan Tung Pao 5 cash in Mongolian sc  145
3rd Emperor Yuan Wu Tsung  1308-1311
S1098           Chi Ta Tung Pao 1 cash                     6
S1099           Ta Yuan Tung Pao 10 cash in Mongolian sc   25
D1731   *(SIN)  Ta Yuan Tung Pao 1 cash in Han script --  580
D1737           Ta Yuan Chi Chih special type 1 cash --   270
9th (Last) Emperor Yuan Wee Tsung  1333-1368
S1103           Chih Ching Tung Pao larger size 1 cash     35
D1785   RARE    Chih Ching 1 cash, rev. "san" -- 1 cash   135
S1107           Chih Ching Tung Pao 3 cash                 45
S1110           Chih Ching Tung Pao 3 cash, rev. three     60
S1111           Chin Ching Tung Pao 10 cash                50
D1811           Chih Ching Tung Pao 10 cash, rev. dot &    85
D1816   *(SIN)  Chih Ching Chi Pao large 1 tael 5 fen(invisible obv. crack)    1,160

YUAN REBELS       roughly active from 1354 A.D. to1368 A.D.
Chan Yiu Liang-- State of Han
S1120           Ta Yee Tung Pao 2 cash      1360           70
Siu Chan Yee
S1122           Tien Ding Tung Pao 1 cas1359-1360         105
S1123           Tien Ding Tung Pao 2 cas1359-1360         105
S1124           Tien Ding Tung Pao 1 cas1359-1360         105
Chang Si Shing-- State of Chow
D1841           Tien Yu Tung Pao 3 cash 1354-135  *(V.Ni  350
S1126           Tien Yu Tung Pao 5 cash 1354-1357         170
Chu Yuan Chang-- (State of Sung),  Chu later established the Ming Dynasty. In 1362,he
was only a local lord under the Sung king Han Lam Yee.
S1127           Ta Chung Tung Pao 1 cash1362-1368          9
S1129           Ta Chung Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Chek" (C   25
D1858           Ta Chung Tung Pao 2 cash, rev. "Chek"      55
D1868           Ta Chung Tung Pao 3 cash, rev. "Chek"      70
D1878           Ta Chung Tung Pao 5 cash, rev. "Chek"      75
S1130           Ta Chung Tung Pao 3 cash, rev. blank       50
S1131           Ta Chung Tung Pao 5 cash, rev. blank       55
S1132           Ta Chung Tung Pao 10 cash, rev. "ten"      25
S1135   Scarce  Ta Chung 10 cash, rev. "ten" top & "Chek  130
D1885           Ta Chung 10 cash, rev. "Pek Ping" on top   90
D1888   RARE    Ta Chung 10 cash, rev."Auk"(Hupeh)top &   185
D1891   RARE    Ta Chung 10 cash, rev. "Kwei" top & "ten  215
D1892           Ta Chung 10 cash, rev."ten" top & "Yu"(H   32

MING  DYNASTY   (1368 A.D.  TO  1644 A.D. )
1st Emperor Ming Tai Tsu (1368-1398) ---  reign title "Hung Wu"
S1137           Hung Wu Tung Pao 1 cash                    4
S1142           Hung Wu Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "one cash"   15
S1143           Hung Wu Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Pek Ping"   12
S1144           Hung Wu Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Yu" below   60
S1148           Hung Wu Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Fook" on    10
S1150           Hung Wu Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Kwei" on    10
D1903           Hung Wu 1 cash, rev. "Kwei Yee"  --- ver  135
S1154           Hung Wu Tung Pao 2 cash, rev. "2 cash" o   25
S1155           Hung Wu Tung Pao 3 cash, rev. "3 cash"     35
D1930           Hung Wu Tung Pao 3 cash, rev. "Yu" (Hona   95
S1157           Hung Wu Tung Pao 5 cash, rev. "5 cash" o   30
S1158           Hung Wu Tung Pao 10 cash, rev. "ten one    55
S1159           Hung Wu Tung Pao 10 cash, rev. "Pek ten"   40
S1160           Hung Wu Tung Pao 10 cash, rev. "ten Yu"   115
S1161           Hung Wu Tung Pao 10 cash, rev. "Pek Ping  135
S1162           Hung Wu Tung Pao 10 cash, rev. "ten Chek   80
S1163           Hung Wu Tung Pao 10 cash, rev. "ten Fook   65
D1953           Hung Wu Tung Pao 10 cash, rev. "Kwei ten  165
3rd Emperor Ming Shing Tsu  (1403-1424) --- reign title "Wing Lok"
*Tai Tsu was succeeded by his grandson Wei Tee in 1368. Tai Tsu's elder son died
before  his father and so the throne was given up to his son. This though was not
welcomed by Tai Tsu's fourth son. He started a rebellion and ousted his nephew. Thus
he became Shing Tsu. Coins of Wei Tee did not exists, so S1164/5 are fantasies.
S1166           Wing Lok Tung Pao 1 cash                   5
S1167           Wing Lok Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. line abov   15
not listed      Wing Lok Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. line at l   20
not listed      Wing Lok Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. rough cre   20
(S1166) silver  Wing Lok Tung Pao 1 cash in SILVER  ---   380
Note:4th Emperor issues are unique and only found in major Chinese museums.

5th Emperor Ming Hsuan Tsung  (1426-1435) --- reign title "Hsuan Tak"
S1170           Hsuan Tak Tung Pao 1 cash                  15
*S1171 to S1175 do not exist.
9th Emperor Ming Hsiao Tsung  (1506-1521) --- reign title "Wung Chih"
S1176/1177      Wung Chih Tung Pao 1 cash                  6
*S1178 does not exists. S1179--only fantasies are ever made. I can find the fantasy if
requested. S1180 and S1182 also do not exist.
11th Emperor Ming Shih Tsung  (1522-1566) --- reign title "Chia Ching"
S1181           Chia Ching Tung Pao 1 cash                 8
not listed      Chia Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. dot on    45
D1964   *RARE*  Chia Ching Tung Pao 3 cash, rev. "3 cash  775
12th Emperor Ming Mu Tsung  (1567-1572) --- reign title "Lung Ching"
S1183           Lung Ching Tung Pao 1 cash      scarce     30
13th Emperor Ming Shen Tsung  (1573-1619) --- reign title "Wan Li"
S1185           Wan Li Tung Pao 1 cash                     5
S1187           Wan Li Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. circle on t   35
S1189           Wan Li Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "kuscarce     65
not listed      Wan Li Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "one" on le   95
S1193           Wan Li Tung Pao 2 cash                     15
14th Emperor Ming Kwang Tsung  (1620) -- reign title "Tai Chang"
S1199           Tai Chang Tung Pao 1 cash                  45
S1200           Tai Chang Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. dot abov   70
*Kwang Tsung reigned for only a month. He died after taking a red pill given to him by an
high offical. There were no established case of foul play, so it came down in history as
the "Mysterious Case of the Red Pill". For a short while, Tai Chang coins were minted
in his memory --- a very rare practice in China.
15th Emperor Ming Hsi Tsung  (1621-1627) --- reign title "Tien Chi"
S1202           Tien Chi Tung Pao 1 cash                   5
S1205           Tien Chi Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. dot at ho   25
S1206           Tien Chi Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. large dot   60
S1209           Tien Chi Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. smaller "   15
S1210           Tien Chi Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. larger "k   15
S1213           Tien Chi Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Chek" (C   40
S1214           Tien Chi Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Wen" (Yu   10
S1215           Tien Chi Tung Pao 1 cash. rev. "Yuan"      55
D1994           Tien Chi 1 cash, rev. "1 chi" on right &   85
D2004           Tien Chi 1 cash, rev. "Yuan" (Garden)
D2006(smaller siTien Chi Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. dot at bo   25
not listed      Tien Chi 1 cash, rev. "1 cash" on left     60
S1217           Tien Chi Tung Pao 2 cash                   70
S1218           Tien Chi Tung Pao 2 cash, rev. dot on to   80
S1221           Tien Chi Tung Pao 10 cash, rev. "ten" ab   25
S1223           Tien Chi 10 cash, rev. "10" above & "1 t   15
S1224           Tien Chi Tung Pao 10 cash, rev. "Fu" abo  110
D2019           Tien Chi Tung Pao 10 cash, rev. "ten" at   85
not listed      Tien Chi Tung Pao 10 cash, doublRARE      260
16th (Last) Emperor Ming Si Tsung  (1628-1644) --- reign title "Chung Ching"
S1235           Chung Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. dot in   30
S1238   scarce  Chung Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Ding"   55
S1239           Chung Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Mil"    30
S1242           Chung Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. one ca   40
S1243           Chung Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. 1 cash   45
S1244           Chung Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. 8 cash   45
S1245           Chung Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. Chines   35
S1250           Chung Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Wu Ya   45
S1254           Chung Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Kok"    50
S1255           Chung Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Kuo"    55
S1258           Chung Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Kong"   35
S1267           Chung Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. Yin" o   40
D2047           Chung Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev."Wu" to   45
D2064           Chung Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Ching   45
S1267           Chung Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Ying"   45
S1269           Chung Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Kwei"   35
S1276   v.scarceChung Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "kung"   95
S1278           Chung Ching Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. horse    50
S1283           Chung Ching 2 cash, rev. "two" on right    10
D2090           Chung Ching 2 cash, rev. dot on top        25
D2094           Chung Ching 5 cash, rev."five" on left &   75
NOTE:  I do have other Chung Ching but they have not been properly identified yet. I am
working on them and would have them listed next time. Meanwhile, if you have any ones
of Chung Ching that you want, please write to me.I have close to all the types, whether
they be in Schjoth or Ding. So pleas do let me know what you need.

SOUTH  MING  "DYNASTY"  (1644  to  1661)
Prince of Lu -- Cheking  1644
S1285           Tai Ming Tung Pao 1 cashvery scarce        80
D2100           Tai Ming Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Shi" ---  120
Prince of Fook -- Nanking 1645 --- reign title "Wan Kuang"
S1288           Wan Kuang Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. dot on t   15
S1289           Wan Kuang Tung Pao 1 cash, rev."Fung" on  130
Prince of Tang -- Fukien 1645-1646 --- reign title "Lung Wu"
S1291           Lung Wu Tung Pao 1 cash                    5
S1292           Lung Wu Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. dot above    13
S1295           Lung Wu Tung Pao 2 cash                    30
Prince of Kwei (or Wing Li Te) -- Kwangtung 1647-1661 --- reign title "Wing LI"
S1296           Wing Li Tung Pao 1 cash                    12
not listed      Wing Li 1 cash, special "Pao" like Kraus   30
S1303           Wing Li Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Tok"        40
S1307           Wing Li Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Fu"         45
S1308           Wing Li Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Ming"       20
S1310           Wing Li Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Kwok"       50
S1311           Wing Li Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Kung"       15
S1321           Wing Li Tung Pao 1 fen                     20
S1322           Wing Li Tung Pao large 1 fen               20
S1322 (B)       Wing Li Tung Pao large 1 fen, characters   30
General Cheung Shing Kung -- Taiwan --ruled as governor for Prince of Kwei (1661-1683)
S1315           Wing Li Tung Pao 2 cash in Japanese-styl   55
S1316           Wing Li 2 cash,different Japanese script   55
*These were minted in Nagasaki, Japan. Taiwan had no mint then, so General Cheung
had to order his coins from Japan. Thus these became known as "Nagasaki Wing Li".

MING  REBELS  -----  1601  to  1644
Li Chi Shing -- State of Shun
S1323           Wing Chang Tung Pao 1 cash                 40
S1325           Wing Chang Tung Pao 2 cash                 30
Chang Hsien Chung -- State of Ta See (Grest West)
S1327           Ta Shun Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Wu" below   55
S1328           Ta Shun Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Kung" bel   15
Sun Ko Wang -- State of Tung Ping
S1330           Hsing Chao large 1 cash, rev. "Kung"       25
S1331           Hsing Chao 5 cash, rev. "five li"          30
S1334           Hsing Chao 10 cash, rev. "1 fen"           20
*S1333 does not exists. All Hsing Chao issues have words at back.


 State of Ta Chou (1673-1681)
Ng San Kwei 1673-1678    (2 minting types, "Li Yung" and "Chao Wu"--his reign title)
S1335           Li Yung Tung Pao 1 cash                    5
S1336           Li Yung Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "li" on ri   15
not listed      Li Yung Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "li" on le   85
S1340           Li Yung Tung Pao 2 cash, rev. "2 li"       15
D2151           Li Yung Tung Pao 5 cash, rev. "5 li" on    35
S1342           Li Yung 10 cash, rev. horizontal "1 fen"   45
S1345           Chao Wu Tung Pao 1 cash                    5
S1346           Chao Wu Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Kung" at    5
S1347           Chao Wu Tung Pao 5 cash, rev. "1 fen". S   30
Ng Shih Fan 1679-1681 -- reign title "Hung Hua"
S1348           Hung Hua Tung Pao 1 cash                   5
S1349           Hung Hua Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "Wu" on r   9
S1350           Hung Hua Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "kung" on   15
State in Fukien (1674-1681)  (strangely no state name)
Keng Ching Chung 1679-1681 -- reign title "Yu Mun"
S1352           Yu Mun Tung Pao 1 cash                     10
S1353           Yu Mun Tung Pao 1 cash, rev. "1 fen"       15
S1354           Yu Mun Tung Pao 5 cash, rev. "1 chi"       20
Chou Dynasty -- Hollow Handle Spade
D97     Lu Si, medium angled shoulder hollow handle spad  415
D98     San Chan Kim Far, same shape    NG                625
D99     An Chong, flat shoulder         NG                615
Not listWu, angled shoulder                               340
S83     Hollow Handle Large Spade --- no characters       830
Chou Dynasty -- Sharp Pointed Spade
D122    Ch'in Yee                                         115
D125    Chi Si                                            115
D138    LARGE size sharp-pointed spade --- "LandRARE      655
D147    Wu Ping                                            80
D149    Ping Chou  (extra small handle)                    90
D152    Ping Chow                                          70
D153    Ping Chow -- Type 2                                70
not listPing Chow, characters reversed                     80
Chou Dynasty -- Round shoulder round edge spade
D297    Yu Yee Kim Far          exceptional condition     530
D320    Ying -- small size                                900
D321    Ying -- large size                                1150
Pan    Liang
S84     Warring States Period Pan liang --- thick and sm   30
Rev. S88Large 8 chu,  Liang Pan (reverse characters for    85
S107    4 chu, "liang" with straight line across middle    45
D419    Han Loy Chin Pan Liang -- ultra thin and large c   85
not list4 chu, obv. "Ping" below --actually a symbol tha   45
not list6 chu, obv. solid small triangle on top of rim     40
S101    Han Dynasty Deng Tung Pan Liang -- 2 lumps on ob   35
**Deng Tung was a high official during the time of the Han 2nd Emperor.He was awarded
a copper mine along with the right to mint coins for his services. What he actually did is
to suck the bad blood out from a tumor on the Emperor's hand. His coins are smaller
than those made then, but he offset that by adding 2 lumps of metal on obv.
S3      Spade -- Liang Ching Shing Kim                    150
S3(reversed characters)       characters reversed from l  200
D148    Sharp-pointed spade -- Wu An                       80
D302    Spade -- An Yu Yee Kim Far -- a small version of  150
not listHan -- Qui Chi Wu Chu -- rev. circle above, line   65
(S120)  IRON  Ta Chuan Wu Shih   ----   verey scarce      115
S122    Double rim Ta Chuan Wu Shih                        45
D468    Wang Ming, small spade 200 -- lovely mercury pat  395
D482    Wang Ming, secondary spade 900                    495
not listKai Yuan Tung Pao, rev. reversed "Ping" scarce     65
D542    Ch'in Dynasty, Tai Ping Pak Chi, two dot "Tai"    200
S160    Small size Hao Chao   -----   very nice conditio   65
(S188)  Small Chi Pai, rev. three lines above, like "Chu   55
S206    Ting Ping Yee Pak       nice condition             45
D555    North/South Dynasties Fung Huo, dot on bottom ob  135
S354    Tang Dynasty Chsin Yuan 1 cash, star hole          35
D702    Tang Dynasty Tai Li Yuan Pao --    rare           175
D782    Ten States, Wing Lung Tung Pao 10 cash in iron, rev. "Fook",
star on right, crescent at bottom ----- Very Rare         580
S679    S.Sung Shao Hsing 1cash (thin plate, missing met   60
D1164   Southern Sung Shao Hsing Tung Pao 1 cash --- sca   85
not listSouthern Sung Chien Tao ultra small iron 1 cash    39
S1119   Yuan rebels Ta Yee Tung Pao  1 cash ----- very s  103
(S1349) Hung Far 1 cash rev, "wu", but top dot vertical instead of horzontial              50
D2156   Li Yung Tung Pao, complicated  horizontaRARE      190
Ching Dynasty
S1443   Ching Dynasty Kang Hsu "Lohan" cash --- no dash    30
(S1419) Kang Hsu 1 cash -- but with artistic crafting on   35
C#14-10 Tung Chih Kansu Mint 10 gF/aVF nice for issue      45
Tai Ping Tien Kwok coinage  (Ching rebels)
S1605   Tai Ping Tien Kwok medium 2 cash, thick rim        60
S1606   Tai Ping small cgood Fine       C#38-8  bulkinbo   30
C#38-3.147-48mm, thick rim, rev. additional two words on  450
*Above coin extra characters are shallow and also read as "Sing Pao" -- a rare overstike
C#38-2  54-55mm, narrow rim large cash, nice Fine and cl  390
Manchukao section        (1932 to 1945)
Y#3     Ta Ting (TT) Yr.2 and Yr5 fen   EF                 6
Y#7     Kang Tak (KT) Yrs 1,2,3,5 fen   EF                 15
Y#A13a  KT 11   red fiber (brick5 fen   Unc                9
Y#4     TT 2 and TT 3  pair     1 chiao EF                 9
Y#8     KT 1, 2, 5, 6  set      1 chiao EF                 12
Y#10    KT 7                    1 chiao EF                4,5
Y#6     KT 3                    1 fen   BU                 35
Y#6     KT 4                    1 fen   Unc,  80% lustre   28

Annam Coinage Section
S17     Tien Shong Yuan Pao small size                     10
S22     Han Yuan Tung Pao small size                       15
not listHsiang Fu Yuan Pao small              (like S473   10
Amulet Section
AmS90   New Year Cash -- Three Pagoda, hardest type of     90
AmS112  New Year Cash -- double tiger                      40